Tuesday, April 15, 2008

High gas? Gimme a break

I've made up my mind that the United States is full of WINERS. Yes, I said it, WINERS. People like to complain about stuff. Most of the time, it's not stuff that really affects their lives, like why the Patriots or Kwame Kilpatrick "cheated."

The latest slew of complains is about high gas prices. GIMME A FREAKING BREAK.

Gas is not high. When gas is $20 per gallon, then it will be high. Gas is high if you want to compare it to what it used to be 3-4 years ago, heck, if even 6 months ago, but it's not high in the big scheme of life.

What's high? The price of a Lamborghini is high. The price of iphones are high. The price of 60" inch plasma tv's are high. Gas? Not even close.

Take a trip to your local mall and see how many CARS are in the parking lot. Cars run off gas, well most of them. If gas was SO HIGH, the parking lots would be empty. The parking lots of every bar, strip club, and regular club is full.....EVERY WEEKEND NIGHT in Detroit. GAS IS NOT HIGH!!!

The freeways are PACKED during rush hour. If gas was so high, the bus stops would be SUPER crowded, but they're not.

When the price of something is too high, you go without it. The $200,000 condos in midtown Detroit are priced too high, thus they sit EMPTY for months and months. The gas stations have not seen a lack of business since the "black out" a few years back.

So people, stop complaining about how high gas is, when you just went to go meet your secret lover at a hotel 25 miles away.

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